Morty Lefkoe
Who was Morty Lefkoe?
Morty Lefkoe was more than just the president and founder of The Lefkoe Institute. He was a husband and a father. Morty passed away in 2015. He is survived by his wife Shelly Lefkoe, and his daughters.
On the 1 year anniversary of his death, his wife Shelly wrote this touching tribute which I think is worth sharing. I hope it gives you a glimpse of how others have been impacted by his contribution to mankind.
“He was the kindest, most loving non-judgmental man I have ever known.
At his service a year ago two friends said that they knew him 40 years and never heard him say a bad word about anyone.
Another friend said “he taught me how to express love.”
My daughter Blake said “It was one thing to know that I was loved unconditionally every day of my life, but to never feel judged….”
He cared deeply about people and spent his days creating ways to help them. He was the real deal.
The world is a better place because he was here.
Morty Lefkoe’s Legacy
Morty is recognized as the creator of a series of psychological processes known as the Lefkoe Method. This work has been spread around the world and has been endorsed by leaders in the personal development field around the world, including Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley, Steve Pavlina, and Jack Canfield.
I was personally impacted by his work, which marked a turning point in my own life, which is why I acknowledge his contribution with enthusiasm.
I’ve often said that the world is a better place because he lived, and he made his work freely available in his writings for anyone to use. Unlike many others who protect their ideas for personal gain, he gave it away freely for the betterment of humankind.
The original name he gave to his work was The Decision Maker process, but later renamed it to be unique. The processes of The Lefkoe Method often result in profound personal change, quickly and permanently.
He is the author of the book about the Lefkoe Belief Process (LBP) called Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World, which is available on Amazon in Kindle format and hardcopy. The book explains how the belief process works, how it is very different from most forms of psychotherapy, its spiritual implications, and how its principles can be applied to parenting, health, business, and social change. It also includes several case histories involving clients who have successfully dealt with dysfunctional patterns. Morty has also written an essay that details research on the mind-body connection in sports and his work with athletes. You can get a pdf of the article by clicking here.
Morty wrote over 100 articles for many publications, including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He has appeared on over 100 radio and TV shows, including Today, Leeza, ABC World News Today, and Fox Cable News. His work has been written about extensively in the New York Times and a number of other publications.
A member of the American Counseling Association, Morty has written articles describing the Lefkoe Method for The California Therapist (Sept-Oct 2001, Vol. 13, Issue 5), The Group Therapist Perspective (Oct-Nov. 2001), and the California Psychologist (December, 2001).
He has spoken before such groups as the American Management Association, Vistage (formerly TEC), American Psychotherapy Association, American College of Counselors, American Association of Integrative medicine, National Wellness Coalition, Managed Health Care Congress (NE), Association for Fitness in Business, and American Psychological Association-National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health. Morty also has presented The Lefkoe Method to many other groups of psychotherapists, including in-service training at many mental health facilities. You can see video of one of his talks by clicking here.
He has conducted well over 200 seminars for groups of Chief Executive Officers on “A Proven Method for Successfully Instituting Change” and “Limiting Beliefs, Business and Personal: How to Identify and Eliminate Them.”
Morty received his B.A. from the University of Chicago, where he also attended the Graduate School of Business.